2025 Tax Season: How to File for Taxes Online

It’s that time of year again! Unfortunately, we’re not talking about the holidays. Now is the time for everyone to file their taxes. Here is what you need to know.
  1. Liliana says:

    I thought that those who make $72,000 (AGI) or less actually qualify for the IRS Free File partners offers, which is basically free use of the online tax software. If you make more that $72,000 than you can use the Free File Fillable Forms.

    Should probably be updated.


  2. Denise says:

    You do not mention Turbo Tax at all even though it is one of the most used tax software programs. Do you not recommend this program. If not, why not

  3. Amy Anne Barclay says:

    I have been using Tax Act for years and find it is the most user friendly of the tax software. Turbo Tax is more difficult, and Tax Cut lies somewhere in the middle.

  4. Katharine says:

    Your article is not accurate and needs to be updated. You have stated above that free file is for those who earn less than $69,000.00. The threshold for 2021 is $72.000.00. You have also stated that filing with the IRS e-file program is filing directly with the IRS using IRS software. That is also not true. “What Is IRS Free File?
    The IRS Free File Program is a public-private partnership between the IRS and many tax preparation and filing software industry leaders who provide their brand-name products for free. It provides two ways for taxpayers to prepare and file their federal income tax online for free:

    Traditional IRS Free File provides free online tax preparation and filing options on IRS partner sites. Our partners are online tax preparation companies that develop and deliver this service at no cost to qualifying taxpayers. Please note, only taxpayers whose adjusted gross income (or AGI) is $72,000 or less qualify for any IRS Free File partner offers.
    Free File Fillable Forms are electronic federal tax forms you can fill out and file online for free. If you choose this option, you should know how to prepare your own tax return. Please note, it is the only IRS Free File option available for taxpayers whose income (AGI) is greater than $72,000.” From the IRS website: https://www.irs.gov/filing/free-file-do-your-federal-taxes-for-free

    It appears as if your intent with this article is to push the two tax programs you mention so your readers will pay for TaxSlayer or H&R Block instead of using free options available on the IRS website. I say this because of your misleading statements above: The IRS software is not designed to help you find deductions
    It is specifically for filers who earn less than $69,000 per year
    There is little-to-no support
    It’s not uncommon to have “print, display & miscellaneous problems”

    I have e-filed using IRS free file partners for more than a decade and have never experienced any of the issues you mentioned in your article. I suggest to both you and your readers conduct appropriate research before deciding on what method to use to file taxes. You should really fact check your articles before posting them, as the errors in your article were easily fact-checked against the IRS website, which makes the assumption you are pushing affiliate links to make money more likely.

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