How to Budget When You Are a Spender

  1. beth kelley says:

    Great post! We are debt free and love it! A budget is the key.

  2. Chauntel says:

    I used to be a spender. The older I have gotten the more I have become a saver. I do need to get better at budgeting, it is still a work in progress but I definitely have reined in my spending. That was a huge accomplishment for me.

  3. Katelin says:

    The tricky part of this balance is knowing where to save money and where it’s worth spending a little extra to save in the long run. One of the things I’ve heard is worth the full amount? Kids bicycles!

  4. For a lot of people, whenever they hear budget, they think about getting deprived. But the truth is, it isn’t. I believe that budget is needed by just about anybody. I think the key ingredient in making a successful budget is changing attitude, which is what you stated above.

  5. Rheona says:

    I’m trying to start a budget now and I am leaning towards the envelope system. I’m hoping that it helps me to cut back on things I don’t really need! Thanks for the tips!

  6. I am the same way as you are. I loved it when I read about your shopping the clearance rack and coming home with more than you wanted or needed. I thought “That’s me!” Now I just avoid going into those shops where I know I will be drawn towards buying things I don’t need. It really has curbed my spending impulse and instead I am enjoying watching the money go into my savings instead. Thank you for sharing your experience!

  7. Joni says:

    This fit me as being a frugal spender, it still not a saver. Thank you for helping me to further open my eyes!! Time for even more changes!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Food and clothes

  9. Like many other commenters have said, having a budget is key. I’m naturally a saver. I have a budget that I would stick to like glue so I had a hard time justifying spending money on things I didn’t necessarily need.

    Now that I’ve achieved many of my savings goals I’ve found myself loosening up my budget a bit more and spending more on wants without neglecting needs. Without my budget I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that.

    Leah | A Relaxed Gal

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