The Half-Payment Method: Is It Right for You?

  1. Carly says:

    I love this info. Do you have a video where you show some examples of how to get started with this? I get the theory of taking a few months to ease into it, but I struggle with application.

  2. Mikaela says:

    I use this method with my paycheck budgeting, keeping a second checking account for the money I set aside. I haven’t totally figured out how to track what denominations are designated for what bills, but as long as I don’t touch it I know it will be there when the bills are due. It also makes it plain to see that whatever’s left in my main account is available for extra debt payments.

    I appreciated reading your tips because whenever I try to explain my method to friends and family they look at me like it’s odd or maybe unnecessary. Thank you!

  3. Kelly says:

    I follow this method; for my utility bills I actually make the pymt instead of holding on to it. So I make 2 pymts a month instead of 1. We are a month ahead with these bills. My mortgage and car pymts were set up as biweekly pymts from the start.

  4. Samantha says:

    How do you do this if your bills are not ever the same amount? I would love to do the half-payment method.

  5. Kaitlyn says:

    I love this method, I am 22 and I saw I was having no money on my first of the month pay check. Now that I do the half-payment method I can have balance. One thing that may help is that i have a separate account for my bill. This way I am not tempted by the money of my bills.

  6. Nicki says:

    I love this idea. My app Prism actually pays the bills for me and then reminds me to pay the rest on the due date! I love it!

  7. Leané says:

    Thanks for a great article Miko. Any suggestions on how to get half-a-month ahead to start this method?

    • Amber Bayer says:

      I’ve been using this method for years. How I started it was using my tax return money to get that “payment ahead”. I have half the bills amount deposited into my credit union every paycheck and all the bills are auto paid from that account. I keep an excel spreadsheet (similar to a check register) to calculate the deposits and payments over a couple of months so I can make sure the balance never will be negative. It’s great because it runs itself and is pretty hands off. I estimated the bills on the high side of their average. I monitor the account weekly (sometimes more!) to make any adjustments. After a while, I accumulate a few extra dollars and can use that for a treat! The problem I have had is how do I implement the half payment method using the Budget By Paycheck system? Can you do a video about how to transition over? Thanks!

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