5 Critical Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Before Creating a Budget

If your budget doesn't make sense to you, you will never use it. Here are some questions to ask yourself before creating a budget.
  1. This is a post that everyone starting out in family finance needs to read! I definitely struggled with communicating with my husband when first starting out in our budgeting adventures. It’s easy for me to understand the importance of a budget, but getting him on board and trying to get him to see the long-term goals was more of a challenge than the budget itself!
    Thanks for posting this!

  2. Maunalei Patten says:

    I think people need to include “must have” purchases in their budgets. I tried really hard to cut out my morning coffee. I realized that I enjoy that too much, so I made it a category in my budget! I adjusted it and made cuts elsewhere.

  3. John says:

    Very useful personal finance tips. I like the part where you have to find out if everyone is comfortable with it after creating one. Thanks for the insights. I cover some topics on personal finance on my blog http://www.businessandlifetips.com and I have learned some new tips from this article.

  4. pulsedaily says:

    If you include realistic cost in a flat income tax manner so it isn”t “someone else”s money which was likely the intent to keep control..both the flat income tax and balanced budget clauses were added with the pension clause.then I”m for that. Unfortunately true costs were hidden in so called balanced budgets..balanced by undercontribtions for the promises and borrowing. As a result there is no way to tax sufficiently to meet promises. Good luck. If it gets too bad I”m leaving and we will see how well they can pick dollars off the magic money tree.

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