How to Start a Budget When You Live Paycheck to Paycheck

Creating a budget when money is tight is hard, but it isn't impossible. No matter what financial situation you’re in currently, there’s a way to make it better. But improving your finances requires change.
  1. Stephanie says:

    Thank you for all you do! You have not only encouraged me by making budgeting less intimidating, something I can actually open up everyday and feel like I know what I’m doing, but seeing your growth as a business woman has encouraged me to look into my own life and find how I can be of value doing what I love. Your system is the only one that makes sense and works for me! I have two jobs both with inconsistent income and bi weekly paychecks. Your breakdown has made me feel powerful and even like a kid playing a game with my money. The breakdown is so simple and I made my own fancy sinking fund envelopes that I love to open and put money in (even if it is just 5 bucks each paycheck). I printed the workbook this time around but 2020 is getting the already made one, already got my sinking funds.

    Thanks again for making money manageable and even fun!
    Stephanie Michelle

  2. Lynette says:

    On paper I have enough money to put money in cash envelopes and cover my expenses. But in reality, I can’t ever put money in envelopes bc I’m usually floating money from one paycheck to the next to cover expenses. For example, the 1st I’m always short bc my large expenses are due and the 15th I usually have extra funds but I’m playing catch up from the 1st. So what do I do when I live paycheck to paycheck, already have a second job, have cut all extraneous expenses but can’t seem to get on track with a budget bc I never have enough money to put into envelopes to cover my expenses?? Help!! 😩 I truly feel like I’m in a hamster wheel and I’m exhausted

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