January 2019 Budget Recap

A detailed look into my January 2019 budget. Don't just blindly follow a budget. Understand the reasons behind your financial choices, and look at what your budget is telling you.
  1. I love seeing these numbers! Congrats on another successful month. I love using the 2019 budget binder – I’ve failed many times before at creating a budget (I make bank and didn’t feel I needed to), but this really helped me see that a budget doesn’t mean restricting myself. It just means having a plan for the money – even if that means visiting 21 countries in the last 18 months like I did! LOL! I appreciate you!

  2. Zee Dean says:

    Hey Komiko,

    Thank you so much for all the info you provide. Can you tell me what software you use to do your pie charts? Is it Excel?

  3. Lucy Ramos says:

    Hi Miko! I just recently purchased the printable budget workbook a couple of weeks ago, and I just saw that you came out with a new design on paycheck bill tracker. My question is will this replace the bill tracker on the printable workbook? If not, when will it be available to purchase as a printable? My other question also about the pie chart? Did you use excel? Thank you for taking the time out. You are truly helping me with my budget. You rock! <3 Lucy

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