Money Saving Tips for Back-to-School

I love the fact that I no longer fall victim to debt for the things my son and I need. By making a plan, being creative, and saving in advance, I’m able to get everything for back-to-school without going over budget or using credit cards. You can too.
  1. Rebecca says:

    As a teacher I love this article. The other thing I would point out to readers is to not only do research on the price of supplies but also the type. A lot of times kids want the most popular thing which tends to be more expensive. Things like pencils have good qualities and not so good, so you want to think about the longevity of some supplies. How often would your child really be using that particular supply comes into play to. A pencil they will be using every day were maybe a middle schooler won’t be using markers everyday. If you’re trying to save thinking about where you can give and take is important.

  2. mary johnson says:

    Why do you pay for everything in cash? Husband and I charge everything we can and pay EVERY BILL in full every month. No interest or fees paid. We can see where our money went. We also get back between 2 and 5% on what we spent. We have bought a fence and roof with cash back. We also were buying a car and we had the charge card from that mfgr and used same for the downpayment – 5% back on same. And, yes, we pay for our cars in full when we buy them.

    • Hello Mary. I am an all-cash spender because for me, it makes my budget tangible. It has also helped me with overspending. As a visual person, it is easier for me to see the big picture of my spending, and the trade-offs associated with each purchase. As far as the rewards, I am at peace knowing I am not getting them. Using a card for all of my spending, I believe, I would spend more than what I would save with the rewards points. Everyone has a different way of managing their money, this method has just worked for me. I hope that helps. Thank you!

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